Due Diligence Software

The Symbiant Due Diligence Software Module is an easy-to-use and adopted Module for your organisation’s Due Diligence.
With the Symbiant Due Diligence Software Module, you have the power to assign ownership of Due Diligence actions, set due dates, and closely monitor their progress to completion.
The automated emails notify and remind users of important information. The module collects a detailed array of data, and customisable options ensure that it fits your needs.
Symbiant can fit your company’s exact needs, whatever they may look like.


All modules are only £100 each per month.


Symbiant Due Diligence Module

Symbiant Due Diligence Module allows you to perform detailed Due Diligence, give ownership of actions and track them to completion.

The system sends out automated notices including assignments and overdue notices.

Symbiant Due Diligence Software Module for only £100 per month.


Detailed Data Capture

Record an extensive array of Data Points and Details so nothing is missed.

Ensuring a Detailed Due Diligence Every Time.

Risk Score Issues

Issues can be Risk Scored and Actioned, ensuring every problem is accounted for.

Identify the Highest Impacting Issues

Action Management

Delegate Due Diligence Actions to different users. Tamper proof design ensures users can't edit who is responsible for an Action Update.

Greater Control over Issues that Matter.


Each step of a Due Diligence can be collaborated on with multiple people at the same time.
From logging of information, to Actions and Tasks being completed.

Enabling Collaboration across the Module

Automated Emails

Automated Emails ensure users are aware of Real-Time Due Diligence changes. While reminders, ensure no Due Diligence task is left incomplete.

No more chasing if a task is due.

Fully Customisable

The entire Due Diligence Software Module can be tailored and customised to your exact requirements.

All the power at your fingertips.

About Symbiant Due Diligence

The Due Diligence Module aids in the recording, tracking and completion of Due Diligence assessments quickly and effectively.

While providing tools to identify Issues, Risk Score those Issues, assign Actions for remediation and chase users with overdue Tasks.

The Module includes Company, Trading and Stock data recording, with over 20 unique data points for capture.

The Symbiant Due Diligence Software is a stand-alone module bolstering compliance within your organisation. However, the Module can integrate with other modules to provide a more in-depth overview of your data, such as related risks in the Risk Register Module or the mitigating controls in the Controls and Policies Module

The Modules Dashboard, a powerful tool, allows for Data (even if not present) to be filtered and spliced, empowering you to find the exact records you need.

Email notifications ensure all users are up-to-date with record changes, issues, actions, and tasks.