Business Objectives Software

The Business Objectives Software, based on ISO31000, is a Module that integrates with the Risk Registers Module to link objectives with risks and define risk appetite.

The module connects with other solutions for integrated GRC.

Symbiant One enhances efficiency through automation and notifications, adapting to your company’s unique needs.


All modules are only £100 each per month.

A Screenshot of the Business objective module dashboard - showing the variety of data tables and charts available
Business Objectives Module
A Screenshot of the Business objective module records- showing the variety of data fields available


Business Objectives Module

Symbiant Business Objective Module enables tracking, analyses and actioning of the important objectives key to your organisation. Give ownership of objective actions and track them to completion.

The system sends out automated notices including assignments and overdue notices.

Symbiant Business Objectives Module for only £100 per month!


Connected Solution

Connected to various other Modules to enhance the Objectives oversight and data reporting capabilities.

Create a bespoke holistic view of Objectives.

Review Risk Appetites

Assign an Objective Appetite, any connected Risks must then attempt to respect this.

Identify Risks that could cause failure.

Action Management

Delegate Business Objective Actions to different users. Tamper proof design ensures users can't edit who is responsible for an Action Update.

Greater Control over Issues that Matter.


Each step of a Objective can be collaborated on with multiple people at the same time.
From logging of information, to Actions and Tasks being completed.

Enabling Collaboration across the Module

Automated Emails

Automated Emails ensure users are aware of Real-Time Objective changes. While reminders, ensure no Objective task is left incomplete.

No more chasing if a task is due.

Fully Customisable

The entire Business Objective Software Module can be tailored and customised to your exact requirements.

All the power at your fingertips.

About the Module

With Symbiant Business Objectives Software Module, you can manage your Objectives effectively and efficiently.

You can set an Objective Appetite to define the acceptable level of Risks for each Objective.

The Module displays the Risks that exceed the Objective Appetite, so you can take action to prevent Objective failure.

You can also monitor the impact of Risks on your Objectives in real time and manage Risks that have weak controls.

You can link Business Objectives to various Modules in your System. The most common Modules to use with Objectives are the Controls and Policies Module, Assessment Questionnaires and Risk Registers. However, you can also connect Objectives to any other Module you want.

This way, you can see all the related modules in one place. You can also output all the information about the Risks, Controls, and Assessments that are linked to them through reports.

A Screenshot of the Business objective module records- showing the connected risks.
A Screenshot of the Business objective module records- showing the reviews and actions.

The Reviews and Actions tab, records information which allows reviews to be added about the Objective and actions to be created and assigned to specific users for them to complete tasks.

Automated email notices notify the users of the specific assignment, alongside reminders, if the action is not completed by the due date.

Assignees can then add progress updates to the action, including attachments.

Once an action has been satisfied it can be marked as implemented, emailing all parties involved.