Symbiant Articles and Blogs


The ICO Choose Symbiant!

Symbiant is proud to announce that it is now the chosen GRC (Governance, Risk, Compliance) and Auditing solution for the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

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What is Risk Subjectivity and why should your organisation be aware of it?

Risk Subjectivity

In the intricate decision-making landscape, the idiosyncratic nature of risk assessment often introduces a challenging dimension to strategic planning. Risk subjectivity, the inherent tendency for

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AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Risk Management

AI and Risk Management

AI and Risk Management In the realm of risk management, AI (Artificial Intelligence) integration stands out as a noteworthy development that plays a pivotal role

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What is an SSOT?

What is an SSOT? SSOT stands for Single Source of Truth. A Single Source of Truth represents the practice of maintaining a single source for

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ESG to GRC what is the difference? Environment, Social & Governance. GRC - Governance, Risk management and Compliance.


What do they mean, and what is the connection? ESG – Environment, Social and Governance GRC – Governance, Risk Management and Compliance. ESG Environment: involves more

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What is GRC?

What is GRC?

Introduction “GRC stands for Governance, Risk, and Compliance and is a concept that was originated by the Open Compliance and Ethics Group (OCEG) in 2002.” [1]

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